Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Working on the Doodles

First, the Stretch Goal

Thank you backers and participant-backers alike! Since we met the initial goal so quickly, let's shoot for the moon! New stretch goal set at $5900. What is a stretch goal? Well, a goal above the goal, a new horizon, raising the bar, most importantly a way to give extra rewards to everyone involved for spreading the word. The project is funded regardless of making the stretch goal BUT!
Let's keep sharing the art-venture and every pledge above $40 will get a bonus PRINTED BOOK: Growing the Garden. If you have already paid for an extra book, you will be refunded, of course. And everyone, every man, woman and child (who pledges, that is!) will get a commemorative Greeting Card panel. 
But we have to make our stretch goal first. Let all your friends know, keep spreading the word and thank you for supporting and believing in our Fantastic Garden!

Working on the Doodles

I have officially begun work on the Doodle Rewards. A couple of people emailed me expressing interest in a set of the color doodle woodcuts, okay so one is my Mom (but whatever!). And so I thought while I wait for the big blocks of wood to arrive I would start working on the little darlings. Here is a silly video to illustrate the beginning of a woodcut print:

At the end of the video you can see a printout of the Fantastic Garden sketch on one of my work tables, I printed over 8 standard pieces of paper, about one-quarter scale of the real thing. I usually draw right on the blocks and adjust the design as I go to make sure the puzzle pieces are suitable for tiny woodcut images. I am so ready for my big blocks to get here!

Meanwhile, I'll keep working on the doodles...

Fantastic Garden Headquarters:

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