Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Official MCPP Print Party for the City of the World

Here we go!!!
Everyone that can attend is invited to the great City of the World Print Party. If you live nearby or just want to drop by, bring an apron!!!

WHEN: Wednesday April 11 through Friday April 13, 2012, times TBA

WHERE: Atelier Meridian in Portland Oregon USA

WHO: So far we have Sharri LaPierre, Barbara Mason, Doug Haug and Maria (that's me). Others have inquired, everyone invited.

HOW: However it works out! Everyone responsible for their own transportation and lodging. We will get up early, stay late and work until 600 prints are printed.

We will have two presses available and going at once.
Good to have two people per press, better to have three and anyone extra can just "sub" when arms get tired. There's an inker, a paper layer and a press cranker; three vacant positions per press to be filled on a first come first served basis.
For extra hands there are available positions as block-carvers, prep-engineers, tweakers, lunch-gophers, paper taker-offer-from-the-blockers, cleaner-uppers... just all kinds of fun to be had.

This is Barbara Mason and Maria working in my studio with my old Patrick Press busily printing Puzzle #1 a looooong time ago. Look at all those prints hanging!!!

Don't miss out!


  1. Good luck everyone on Wednesday and Friday in April for the big print up.Enjoy it on our behalf for those who are overseas.
    Thank you for helping Maria and us for we will receive our prints sooner.
    Wish I could be there even just to watch the process.

  2. How exciting! I really wish I could be there and join in the fun :)

  3. Hello Maria, Happy to say I will be joining you in Portland to print. Wednesday and Thursday to be exact. Looking forward to the adventure.


    We need as many slav—er, helpers as we can get!
    Thank you and I look very forward to cracking the whi—er, I mean, greeting you all warmly at the print studio. Har har…

  5. I would love to help out, unfortunayely I am on the other side of the country. I am with you in spirit and may the printing fairies be with you during this process.

  6. I will be there, too! I've got my bags packed and ready to go.
    I've got an appointment Wednesday morning, but will head out right after. I should be there about the time you quit for the day. But, I'm all yours Thursday and Friday. Let me know if you want me to bring anything. Looking forward to it.

  7. Me too me too!! I am making plans to come into town for the festivities. I am really looking forward to seeing you all in person.

  8. Awesome! This is going to be great and we appreciate all the help. I am soooo psyched!!!
    See you all very soon. Mayor Maria
