Monday, February 13, 2012

News and blocks from Colorado US and Monterrey Mexico

Doug Haug from Colorado Springs, Colorado USA, says this about his block:

A few years ago, I took a road trip with my dad.  He was usually fine with eating at Dennys or Applebees.  On the first night, though, we were going to dinner, and not being able to see anything beyond the streetlights, it was difficult to tell what city we were in.  In this era of franchised burgers and burritos, corporate America tells us what tastes good.  Cy's helps my neighborhood buck that trend with their Alaska burgers.

By the way, the Westside Pioneer gives us more information onour town than the Colorado Springs Gazette!

And bunnies and tigers as a bonus! Those are from Chinese Lunar New Year Exchanges. They come throughout the year and sometimes we are surprised by arrivals from years past. Makes going to the mailbox fun on a daily basis.

Guadalupe Victorica from Laredo Texas and Monterrey Mexico often writes about the state of things in Mexico. Really amazing how art and lives survive in troubled times and places. She directs a project called Prints for Peace and somehow continues to sponsor and foster art, especially printmaking art, in the midst of the storm. Amazing.

Here is Guadalupe's block:

Hearing about troubled spots in the world makes me reflect upon how fortunate some of us are and how very peaceful our lives truly are. Every morning I walk my desert garden and think of the world's troubles while I hear the birds sing and the lizards scurry about and wish the same peace upon everyone all over the world.

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