Colophon is defined as a brief description of a book to which it is attached. Traditionally, printmakers use the word colophon to describe details about a collection of prints, usually bound in a folio.Our Fantastic Garden Colophon expands slightly on the information each participant received with their set of prints. I have heard word that our Garden has reached far across the globe already!
A large version of the print can now be seen online on the project page and you can download the colophon from the links on top of that same page:
The Book
I am also happy to report that the book is about two days of writing and two more days of editing away from being completed. It is looking to be around 150 pages, with a page dedicated to each participant, extended ramblings, a bit of history on the previous puzzle print projects (say that three times fast), images of the panels, process explanation and photos for those that missed the blog posts, and musings on gardening and printmaking. Will be available in about two weeks give or take from my various shops and on, both print and eBook formats.Those of you that pre-purchased the book will receive notice of mailing around that time.
Without giving much of it away, here is a sample participant page:
Stay in touch!
Don't forget to stay in touch because once the ink dries on one project I start getting an itch to start another one. Keep an eye on the blogs or my Facebook page or my website:
Maria Central
Fantastic Garden Headquarters: