Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Ghost Town, Red Barn from the North

YouTube video of carving

This was fun! Not the video making, that is tedious and boring but I appreciate every YouTube video I see so much more after making a few of these slide shows. Carving was fun; always enjoyable to see the image "appear" as my knives take out the wood.
All done sweeping the wood curls too!

Views from North and East

Death Valley view

Endless road to Death Valley
On to the West, view from Death Valley road. First I have to "be there" if only in spirit. As I recall, this was my longest walk because the Westward road lost sight of the Barn almost immediately, so I had to travel the highway. Shortly, up a hill, the funky Welcome to Nevada sign and a perfect window to view the Barn. Point of curiosity: the signs have now been replaced with a more "modern" look so we are recording history.
Again, I mix man-made with nature and I may just enhance the current drawing with a few road-side flowers which are the highlight of the Death Valley roads.
Welcome to our state!

Can you spot the diminutive Red Barn?
 How about the entire ghost town in the background?!

Stay in touch!

1000woodcuts Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/1000woodcuts 
Maria's Facebook Profile: https://www.facebook.com/maria.arango.diener 
Maria's Twitter Profile: https://twitter.com/1000woodcuts 
1000woodcuts YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/1000woodcuts/videos

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