Sunday, March 5, 2017

Artist Roles: Supporting My Art Habit

Roles of the Artist

In my view, the productive printmaker needs an outlet for created works. As you may know, my very favorite venues are art festivals. I have been an active art festival artist for almost 20 years! Through the years I have tried a variety of approaches to festivals, from going on the road almost full-time and attending 30 per year to a very comfortable 5-8 per year. Of those some are local but most are "the big ones," that is, well attended, well established, proven successful festivals.

Yeah...that was LAST year! This year I am attending a grand total of zero festivals. My first "year off" since I began this crazy adventure. Why, you ask? I have unfinished art projects every place I look in the studio. Carved blocks waiting to be printed, drawn blocks waiting to be carved, half-started books waiting to be written, new ideas waiting to come to life, this and that...
I am making a firm commitment to attempt to finish at least some of them, how's that for a hazy promise!

Sales Continue Online

But reality is that there are all those prints in my flat files and, after a busy festival year, some leftover matted and framed works begging to be shown. And so I turn to online sales to continue to support my art habit.
One art carrier at a time, I have been uploading framed works and blocks. Next week I begin with matted works.
To spur sales along, I will conduct a "special" each month. This blustery March I begin by offering either:
25% OFF with checkout code MARCHLION25
free shipping with code FREESHIPPING

My shop:

Stay in touch!

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1000woodcuts YouTube:

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